Chiloschista Siew Niang (lunifera x viridiflava)

SiewNaing082917.jpgI purchased this Chiloschista Siew Niang (lunifera x viridiflava) from eBay orchid vendor laorchidjohn on August 20, 2017.  This orchid is a “nearly” leafless orchid, native to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Southeast Asia. From the AOS website

For a portion of the year, these monopodial epiphytes consist of a massive root system emanating from a small, compact stem and nothing else. When leaves are present, they arise from the stem and grow to 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm) long and around 0.5 inch (1 cm) wide. By flowering time, the leaves are usually gone. The inflorescences are usually pendent and bear a few to many flowers.

Most websites recommend that they do not get too cool (60 degrees minimum), but need oncidium light and higher humidity.  I am currently hanging it near the swamp cooler, below the humidifier, and will water it every day I am home.  It will take a winter’s rest, reducing water in the Fall and throughout the winter.

Looking forward to the blooms.  They should arrive in the spring.

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