Dendrobium Cuthbertsonii

Cuthbertsoii073020.jpgI purchased this Dendrobium Cuthbertsonii from Gold Country Orchids at their open house in March of 2020.  It is planted in sphagnum moss in a one-inch pot.  It had a single flower when I purchased it, and has developed a second flower.  It has a reputation for holding these flowers for months.

Dendrobium cuthbertsonii is native to New Guinea. Plants are found at high altitudes (>2000m), on mossy trees or rocks near streams.  It usually grows well under the same conditions as the cold-loving genus Masdevallia. High humidity, very good water, and air movement are particularly important.   I am currently growing this on the east side of the greenhouse, hanging on the wall where it gets some morning sun, but all other light is indirect.

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Stanopea Wardii is in bloom

Wardii073020.jpgI purchased this Stanhopea Wardii from Brookside Orchids at Orchids in the Park in San Francisco on July 23rd, 2016.  I placed it on the southern side of the solarium where it gets only indirect light.

It has been a consistent bloomer for me.  This year it has seven spikes, each with six or seven flowers.  Quite a show.

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Odontioda Kendric Williams ‘Colors’

Williams073020.jpgI acquired this Odontioda Kendric Williams ‘Colors’ on my visit to the greenhouse of Bob Hamilton in September of 2019.  I placed it in the greenhouse on the east side across from the swamp cooler, and it has responded well.  It has 10 flowers on an 18″ spike.


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Brassia Verrucosa ‘Little Ben’

Verrucosa073020.jpgI purchased this Brassia Verrucosa ‘Little Ben’, from Gold Country Orchids at their Fall 2019 Open House.  It was a large plant, with multiple pseudobulbs, when I got it, and I immediately divided the plant — one half went into the greenhouse where it sits on the floor on the west side, and the other went into the solarium on the floor on the southeast side.  Both plants are growing well.  This picture is from the one in the greenhouse, which has bloomed on an 18″ spike with six flowers.


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Odontoglossum Praestans is in bloom

Praestans073020.jpgI purchased this Odontoglossum Praestans from Andy’s Orthids at Orchids in the Park in San Francisco in 2019.  It is mounted on a one-inch diameter “stick”, is placed on the western side of my greenhouse, under the shade of a Pistashe tree.  It gets a spray of water each day I am at home, and water twice a week during the summer.

It has three spikes growing out of a single bulb, each spike with 10 flowers.

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Epigeneium fargesii is in bloom

Fargesii062320I purchased this Eipgeneium fargesii from eBay vendor letstalkplants approximately three years ago.  I had placed it in the greenhouse on the west side, near the exit door, where it got lots of light, and it grew well, but did not bloom.  I recently moved it to a shadier spot after doing some research on the web, and it immediately set four flowers, which are really beautiful.

It is a southeast Asian plant, growing at high altitudes, and I thought I could grow this in my cool environment.  I water it each day I am in the greenhouse, wait 10 minutes or so, and then spray it.  It seems to be a healthy plant.

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Maclellanara Black Mountain (Blaki) is in bloom

BlackMountain062320I purchased this Maclellanara Black Mountain (Blaki) on eBay in July of 2015.  I placed it in the orchid room and it did not do well there, never blooming in nearly four years.  I moved it to the greenhouse when it was completed, and it bloomed on a single spike last year.  This year it is a mature plant, blooming on two branching three-foot spikes, each with over 50 flowers.  I have it placed on the west side of the greenhouse, which receives substantial shade in the afternoons from my large pistash tree.

For a Maclellanara the flowers are not large, probably half the size of my other Macs.  But the color of this one is really good.

Blackm062320I will probably have to divide this one into two plants this next growing season.

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Brassavola Verrucosa is in bloom

verrucosa_1_060620I purchased this Brassavola Verrucosa from the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate at their open house in July of 2017, and it bloomed beautifully this year.  It has seven spikes, each with at least a dozen flowers per spike.

It is mounted on a cork slab on the south wall of the solarium, where it gets good filtered sun through the 50% shade cloth.  Last year, it had four spikes, but the weight of the plant caused it to fall from its attachment to the wall, and most of the spikes broke off.  This year, I gave it a much better attachment.

This plant grows like crazy.  It already has eight new growths for next year, and I should get an even better display.


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Stanhopea Embreei is in bloom

IMG_5813My Stanhopea Embreei is in bloom.  I purchased this plant from the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate in July of 2017.  It has been a steady bloomer for me, growing in the solarium with mostly shade, and has two or three spikes each year.  This spike has four flowers, and their fragrance fills the solarium.  There is a second spike coming.

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Odontioda Joe’s Drum “Hawk Hill”

JoesDrum052220I acquired this Odontioda Joe’s Drum “Hawk Hill” from Bob Hamilton on my visit to his greenhouse in 2019.  I came as a back bulb, but sprouted new growth right away.  It is currently blooming with three flowers on a one-foot stem.

As pretty an Odontioda as you can find.

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